.. _tests: Running the Tests ================= After making any code change in Nani, tests need to be evaluated to ensure that the library still behaves as expected. .. note:: Some of the commands below are wrapped into ``make`` targets for convenience, see the file ``Makefile``. unittest -------- The tests are written using Python's built-in |unittest|_ module. They are available in the ``tests`` directory and can be fired through the ``tests/run.py`` file: .. code-block:: bash $ python tests/run.py It is possible to run specific tests by passing a space-separated list of partial names to match: .. code-block:: bash $ python tests/run.py ThisTestClass and_that_function The ``unittest``'s command line interface is also supported: .. code-block:: bash $ python -m unittest discover -s tests -v Finally, each test file is a **standalone** and can be directly executed. tox --- Test environments have been set-up with |tox|_ to allow testing Nani against each supported version of Python: .. code-block:: bash $ tox coverage -------- The package |coverage|_ is used to help localize code snippets that could benefit from having some more testing: .. code-block:: bash $ coverage run --source nani -m unittest discover -s tests $ coverage report $ coverage html In no way should ``coverage`` be a race to the 100% mark since it is *not* always meaningful to cover each single line of code. Furthermore, **having some code fully covered isn't synonym to having quality tests**. This is our responsability, as developers, to write each test properly regardless of the coverage status. .. |coverage| replace:: ``coverage`` .. |tox| replace:: ``tox`` .. |unittest| replace:: ``unittest`` .. _coverage: https://coverage.readthedocs.io .. _tox: https://tox.readthedocs.io .. _unittest: https://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html